Changing the world by helping people experience Jesus.

Nate and Megan are revivalists, prophetic voices, and full-time ministers. Directors of TM Global Ministries home of Turner Missions, share a profound dedication to spreading the Gospel and nurturing the Church into the fullness of Jesus’s vision for humanity. Their collective mission revolves around awakening, empowering, and equipping individuals through active engagement in healing and prophetic ministry.
As a dynamic preaching and teaching duo, Nate and Megan are committed to empowering others and fostering a culture of miracles, signs, and wonders within the Church, both in Europe and globally. Their transformative journey began in 2015, marked by a relentless pursuit of words of knowledge, intensive study of historical revivalists, and immersion in healing ministry. This pursuit led them to supernatural living, embodied to the life of Jesus himself.
Their faith journey has manifested in tangible ways, with healings occurring in diverse settings—from shops to restaurants to churches—as they invested time in connecting with people. Currently residing in Glasgow, Scotland, Nate and Megan have called Europe home for eight years. They embarked on their shared journey in 2007 and have since been blessed with three children: Elias, Alexis, and Luke.
"TM Global Ministries exists to bring divine awakening to the nations through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in miracles, signs and wonders. Equipping and training others to live a supernatural lifestyle in their communities, cities and nations(John 14:12)"

Our mission
TM Global Ministries has a number of facets to their ministry.
- Miraculous Mentorship, monthly training, smaller group mentoring with Nate/Megan and special guests.
- Supernatural Masterclass (by invitation), 2-3 day training conference in supernatural ministry and making it a lifestyle.
- Monthly Online Divine Appointments, prophetic and healing ministry prayer appointments
- 2-week Holy Spirit Intensive (Summer), immersed in the presence of God and teaching in biblical foundations and disciplines along with supernatural ministry training.
- Itinerant Ministry, by invitation only ministering in church gatherings, special services or conferences.