Miraculous Mentorship

Global Miraculous Mentorship. Making a supernatural lifestyle normal through intimacy with Jesus and healing, gift of prophecy and deliverance ministry.

WHAT IS IT? Miraculous Mentorship is a 6-month global training and mentorship program focused on supernatural ministry. Led by Nate, Megan, and their experienced team, this program will guide and support you at any stage of your journey, helping you grow in the areas of gift of healing and prophecy (training in deliverance ministry is now moved to second year intake). You’ll have the opportunity to learn and practically apply your knowledge within safe small group settings, as well as be challenged to expand your boundaries beyond the groups.

•    Monthly training and practice sessions
•    Exclusive groups with direct messaging
•    Personalized one-on-one support and mentorship from the Turner Missions Team
•    Prayer support for your journey

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? We suggest a monthly donation of £30 ($38) to support the program’s expenses (if this is not financially feasible please let us know, we want this to be available for everyone).

WHO IS IT FOR? The Miraculous Mentorship is open to individuals aged 16 and older. It’s especially suited for those with a strong passion and desire to grow in the areas of miracles, signs, and wonders. No matter where you’re located, as long as you have internet access, you can participate.

WHERE DO WE MEET? All our training, practice, and small group sessions are held online via Zoom.

WHEN DO WE MEET? Teaching and practice sessions are held twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday. Two different time zones available at 7:00 pm EST OR 7:00 pm London time.

 2025 Miraculous Mentorship will run from January-June.

HOW DO I APPLY? On this page (keep scrolling) A submitted application AND one reference form completed by your pastor or a spiritual leader is required.

***PLEASE NOTE*** Due to this being a mentorship group with accountability being a high value, you will be required to attend NO LESS than 10 sessions out of the 12 being offered. Anyone unable to fulfil this requirement will be dismissed, unless under certain circumstances.





Completed application AND one referral from either your pastor or spiritual leader is REQUIRED. Deadline for both application and pastoral reference is 31st December 2024. You will have a response on whether you are accepted or not by the end of the year and before the first session in January 2025.

Reference/Referee Form for Miraculous Mentorship
This form is to be completed by the referee (reference) pastor or spiritual leader. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Deadline for form to be submitted is no later than December 31st 2024. Any questions please contact us at hello@tmglobalministries.org
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name of Reference/Referee
Name of Applicant
How would you describe their commitment level?
Ex. drug abuse, alcohol, relationship issues or any serious issues that would hinder their learning)